Ledger® Live*Download

Download Ledger Live for a comprehensive crypto management experience. Take charge of your digital finances, securely store assets, and streamline your trading activities.

Verifying the authenticity of the Ledger Live download is crucial for ensuring the security of your cryptocurrency assets. Here are steps you can take to verify the authenticity:

  1. Download from Official Sources: Always download Ledger Live directly from the official Ledger website (ledger.com). Avoid downloading from third-party sources or links provided in emails or messages.

  2. Check URL: Ensure that the website URL is correct and starts with "https://" indicating a secure connection. Look for the padlock symbol in the address bar, indicating a secure website.

  3. Verify Publisher Signature: Ledger digitally signs its software releases with cryptographic keys. You can verify the signature to confirm that the software is authentic. Here's how to do it:

    • After downloading the Ledger Live installation file, navigate to the official Ledger Live GitHub repository: https://github.com/LedgerHQ/ledger-live-desktop/releases

    • Find the release corresponding to the version you downloaded.

    • Look for the release notes and download the associated ".asc" (signature) file.

    • Use PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) software like GnuPG (GPG) to verify the signature. Instructions for verifying the signature are usually provided on the Ledger GitHub page.

  4. Checksum Verification: Ledger also provides checksums (MD5, SHA256, etc.) for its software releases. You can download the checksum file from the Ledger website or GitHub repository and compare it with the checksum of the downloaded file. If they match, it ensures that the file has not been tampered with.

  5. Google Chrome Extension: If you're downloading Ledger Live through the Google Chrome web browser, you can check the authenticity by ensuring that the extension is provided by Ledger. Visit the Chrome Web Store and verify the developer of the Ledger Live extension.

  6. Community Recommendations: Before downloading, you can check reputable cryptocurrency forums, subreddits, or community channels where users often discuss software integrity and provide recommendations for secure downloads.

By following these steps, you can significantly reduce the risk of downloading a compromised version of Ledger Live and ensure the security of your cryptocurrency assets.

Last updated